(If you don’t want to hear me babble, the gist of this post is that magnetic lashes by One Two Cosmetics rock my world and here’s the link.)
" src="https://www.thedailysprout.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/fig-09-03-2018_23-39-55-300x300.jpg" alt="magnetic lashes" width="300" height="300" />
I’m one of these weirdos who wears falsies all the time, even if I’m just headed to dinner with Husb. Although I adore mascara — this being my holy grail — it isn’t always my friend when worn alone, as it can often look spider-leggy on me. So I always pop-on half lashes in the outer corners only. The worst part is the glue: Taking it off stinks, and I don’t like the chemicals.
But then, like you, I started seeing ads for magnetic lashes. I took the bait and ordered them from some shady operation that was advertising on IG. I’m sure what I got was made in someone’s garage. They were awful and a decent waste of dough.
Then the heavens parted and someone filled me in on the bomb diggity lashes (is that something kids still say?). They take an instant to pop-on and last ALL DAMN DAY. I’ve worn them a few times, and every time I get compliments. They’re by One Two Cosmetics. Shwing! They come in different kinds, with the biggest difference being either full lashes that go across the entire lash line, or half lashes that only go on the outer corners. My favorite are the half-lash in both Accent, which are best for daytime, or Original, that are meant for gettin’ all gussied-up. They also come in bold, but those were too intense for me. Of course you know they’re cruelty-free, too. Duh. A lot of these companies are use mink. Ewwww.
Yes, there’s a learning curve. But One Two’s website offers tons of vids to help you put them on. I absolutely recommend applying mascara first, as it gives the lashes something to grab on to. I stick pop the top lash on where I want, then slip the bottom guy right underneath that. I’m making it sound more difficult than it is. Watch the videos, you’ll get it and you’re life will be forever changed. They’re also pricey, at around $30 per pair (two pairs in a package = $60). But this link will give you 10% off. Plus the company has a 30-day return policy.
You’ll get it after a few tries, and if you don’t, here are more videos to help with that.

Thank you I have been wondering which ones to try!
Love this! Buying them now. Thank you!