My skin used be dry yet broken-out, dull, and the fine lines were appearing more and more. It seemed and the best solution was to spend a gazillion dollars on silly creams, and of course, to hide behind makeup. But as I got wiser1 older, I changed things up a bit. And wouldn’t you know it, my skin started behaving.
First, I tossed the fancy creams: no more shopping at department stores for products. Now, I keep the ingredients — including makeup — basic and healthy. Here are the night-time products that I swear by, which btw, have a combined price of around $40:
— Washing with a green tea and olive soap. It’s packed with antioxidants and fatty acids, which are anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and highly moisturizing.
— An all-in-one combination of coffee oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. Coffee beans have a natural oil that’s filled with antioxidants that naturally protect and nourish the skin. And the caffeine will shrink capillaries and pores, tighten skin, decrease inflammation, and help to combat collagen loss. It also contains coconut and jojoba oil, that supply fatty acids and antioxidants to soften, protect, and fight the signs of aging.
— An organic, unrefined, 100% shea butter. It won’t cause breakouts, plumps fine lines, protects, moisturizes, and seals in the other products. Of all the brands I’ve tried, this shea butter spreads the most evenly.
— Slathering my lips in a petrolium-free vasoline and sleeping with an organic silk eye mask from this cute Etsy store.2
In the mornings, no washing — just a few drops of the coffee oil, then onto the best sunscreen of all-time.
I’m also gentle when when I dry my face: gentle little love pats. And I use an organic towel too. Coyuchi makes a great one. They’re pricey, but often on sale. If you sign-up for their emails, you get 15% off or something.
Next, and most importantly, I realized that healthy skin comes from the inside. I stopped eating like an idiot and my skin stopped acting like one. First, proper hydration — from food, not just water — is paramount. I try to choose ingredients with a high-water content and a great nutrition profile, which include basically all veggies, namely leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, and zucchini.
Finally, an acidic diet can cause severe stress on your skin. Take a look at the amount of animal products you’re consuming, including chicken, turkey, and dairy. They’re one of the most acidic foods out there, not to mention the sodium, saturated fat, lack of fiber, and hormones they contain. (Yes, even animals “raised without hormones” still have hormones, Silly.)
There are so many substitutes for animal products. Try to switch for just a few days per week. My favorites are:
— Beans and legumes: Duh, they’re delish and packed with as much protein as chicken. Opt-for sprouted or low-tanin, from bulk section of Whole Foods.
— Nutritional yeast: If you’re not familiar, check this out. It has only one gram of net carbs, nine grams of protein, and it’s a complete protein. It’s also freaking delicious. This one by Foods Alive doesn’t have synthetic vitamins added.
— Plant-based protein powder: I use one that’s unflavored and even mix it in with salad dressing or sprinkle in on veggies. Amazing Grass makes a delicious and crazy health one.
— Chia seeds, sprouted nuts, and sprouted seeds: Sprinkle those little buggers on anything you’re eating. I have yet to find a food that doesn’t mix well with them. Just don’t go nuts (sorry for the bad pun), because you’ll be all calling me crying that your jeans don’t fit. I don’t want that call. So keep them to a minimum.
— And my favorites: Spirulina and Chlorella: They’re some of the healthiest foods on the planet. This spirulina from Hawaii is excellent. I happen to like the taste, but if you don’t — and you won’t — throw a tablespoon into a smoothie. Eating the chlorella tablets are one of my fave parts of the day (sad, yes). I’m sure most people wouldn’t enjoy chewing these little buggers like I do, so just swallow them like a pill (which is how you’re supposed to do it).
If you’re struggling with your skin, just give it a try. I promise you’ll notice a difference!

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